"Pen to paper" 5-day CHALLENGE

JOIN the pen to paper 5-day challenge AND you will...

write your book's first chapter
& finally get started!

(Get Mentored by a 10X+ Published Author LIVE Everyday of this Challenge!)

get registered today for 
only $7 while there's STILL TIME!

Challenge Starts Monday, February 14th

If you believe the Lord has led you to write the book He's laid on your heart, then it's time to stop procrastinating
& "put pen to paper" or "fingers to keyboard!"

No More Delay! Let '2022 be the Year Your Book is Finally Birthed. Once you Finish your Book's First Chapter, you Will See the Finish Line!  Let's Face it...Perhaps the AUTHOR inside you Just Needs a Little Kick Start!  Join My PEN TO PAPER 5-DAY CHALLENGE Today for ONLY $7!


LIVE online Class

($397 Value)

Nothing helps you engage more than meeting together LIVE.
Everyday, starting Monday, February 14th thru Friday, February 18th, at 10:00 - 11:00 am EST, I will meet with you online LIVE via Zoom sharing my best tips, lessons & strategies for guiding you through the writing of your book's most professional & engaging Chapter One.

 author secret revealed

($297 Value)

I will share best-selling authors' hidden secrets to easily writing the first chapter of any book.Learn how to begin your story or lesson to capture readers & why this secret is so important to becoming a best-selling author.When you have the opportunity to glean from those who've gone before you for ONLY $7, you should do it!



The Pen to Paper 5-Day Challenge Goal is to teach & inspire you to complete your book's Chapter One!
The BONUS is that once this is accomplished, you will be on fire and inspired to finish. You will naturally gain momentum & move forward to finish writing & publishing the book within you!

Can't Make the LIVE Training?
No Problem...It's ALL Recorded!

When you register today for the PEN TO PAPER 5-DAY CHALLENGE,
you will receive this incredible BONUS...

ALL 5+ Hours of Recorded challenge training:

  • Receive 24/7 online access to ALL 5+ Hours of Each Recorded Live Training Session!
  • Whether you miss a single lesson or all 5, don't can Watch the Recorded Webinars OR just listen to their Audio!
  • You can keep ALL Recorded content Forever!
  • Use this Recorded Training to help you write Every Single Chapter of your book!
Access to the recorded Live Training Sessions allow you to accomplish your book's engaging Chapter One with confidence!

What If There Were A Way To Finish Chapter One of Your God-Inspired Christian Book In As Little As 5 Days???  WAIT - There is!

Daughter of the King: It's's been time & God has been nudging you for quite a while to write the book that ONLY you can deliver!

Here's Just a Few of the Topics We'll Cover During the Challenge...

Overcome "Blinking Cursor Syndrome!"
Learn my secrets to stop going off in a zone & focus on writing content instead.
Confidence Boost!
Whenever we set out to do a NEW thing, even in obedience to God, it can be scary. What you will learn in this Challenge will give you the CONFIDENCE that you are off to a good start.
Conquer Insecurity! 
God uses the unexpected to show Himself off! You may feel unworthy or unable to answer His call to write your story.  This leads to insecurity that is NOT from God! Learn to use the tool to conquering insecurity so that your book will transform lives just like God has done for you.
Even if You've Already Started or Even Finished Chapter One, this Challenge is a MUST!
In life, we don't know what we don't know so even if you've already finished Chapter One of your special book, this Challenge will help ensure it's done well.
What do I Say?
Chapter One is probably the most important Chapter of any book. Learn how to capture your reader in Chapter One so they keep reading & ultimately hound you to write your next book!
Achieve Your Dream of Published Author! 
I didn't start out as an author of over 10 works, but I had to start. Say YES and join me in this God-inspired Pen to Paper 5-Day Challenge & let's enjoy what God does!


In this Pen to Paper 5-Day Challenge, you will get LIVE BEST-IN-CLASS
Starting on February 14, 2022

Meet The 10X+ Published Author Who Will Lead You Through This Challenge...

Sharon Restrepo is not just a National Speaker & Successful Published Author of over 10 works, she is also a Kingdom-Minded Business Woman & Ministry Leader, but she didn't start out believing the life she leads today was even possible.

"I'm a lot more like you than you think and I want to help you get your book out too!" ...Sharon Restrepo

  • When God began to change the topic of my books from secular business books to Christian genre, I thought, "Who would benefit from my story?"  BUT God makes beauty from ashes and He's doing it for you too!
  • I was shocked at the doors that opened from writing & publishing a single book. Ladies, if you are being led by God, then your destiny is tied to your message in your book!
  • Don't wait another moment to start your journey! I promise to pour out all I can to help you get out of your own way!
  • As a result of my books, I became a National Speaker, Kingdom-minded Business Coach & Ministry Leader...all because I said, "Yes" to God. Now it's your turn!
My PEN TO PAPER 5-DAY CHALLENGE allows us to hold hands through every
step of writing your book's FIRST CHAPTER!
It's time to stop procrastinating and FINALLY TAKE ACTION!

Enroll Right Now in The

Pen to paper 5-day CHALLENGE

From The Desk of Sharon Restrepo...
"I can't wait to meet you inside the Pen to Paper 5-Day Challenge!

Just as you feel led to write the book God has laid on your heart to share, I also feel led to help you do just that.

I promise to answer these questions for you...remember, I've been in your shoes...
  • How do I start writing?
  • Do I just start with my story right away?
  • What's my captivating first sentence?
  • Is the First Chapter supposed to be short or long?
  • How much do I reveal in Chapter One?
It may seem silly and embarrassing to believe that simple questions like this have held you back, but that's what held me back too.

Whether you are writing your own story, a how-to lesson or Bible Study, the answers to these questions do matter to you as an author.

In fact, the First Chapter is what convinces your readers to keep on reading.

Worth it or not, I'm going to repeat myself here because I care....If you believe the Lord has led you to write the book He's laid on your heart, then it's time to stop procrastinating and "put pen to paper" or "fingertips to keyboard" - it's time to say, "YES" to your destiny!"

- Sharon Restrepo

Are You Ready?


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