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Here’s EVERYTHING You Get INSTANT Access To When You Get the Pen to Paper 5-Day Challenge RIGHT NOW!

  • Live Online Class                                                ($397 Value)
  • Author's Secrets Revealed                               ($297 Value)
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  • BONUS: Access to ALL Recorded                   ($297 Value)
    Training Sessions


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Look at What Karen V. has to say....

"...I am so grateful to Sharon for opening up this world to me and for being my “coach” through the process!"
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[Table of Contents Outline Checklist: Don't miss a single element to making your book a best-seller. Be sure you have all the details for final publication!

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God has been nudging you for quite a while to write the book that ONLY you can deliver!

 Overcome "Blinking Cursor Syndrome!"
Learn my secrets to stop going off in a zone & focus on writing content instead.
 Confidence Boost!
Whenever we set out to do a NEW thing, even in obedience to God, it can be scary. What you will learn in this Challenge will give you the CONFIDENCE that you are off to a good start.
Conquer Insecurity!
God uses the unexpected to show Himself off! You may feel unworthy or unable to answer His call to write your story which leads to Insecurity that is NOT from God! Learn the secret to conquer that insecurity so that your book will transform lives just like God has done for you.
 Even if You've Already Started or Even Finished Chapter One, this Challenge is a MUST!
In life, we don't know what we don't know so even if you've already finished Chapter 1 of your special book, this Challenge will help ensure it's done well.
 What do I Say?
Chapter 1 is one of the most important Chapters of any book! Learn how to capture your reader in Chapter 1 so they keep reading & ultimately wait for you to write your next book.
 Achieve Your Dream of Published Author!
I didn't start out as an author of over 10 works! I had to start somewhere, but I had to start. Join me in this Pen to Paper 5-Day Challenge & let's just enjoy what God does!
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